Data Tool

Data Tool is a simple data analysis program that is often integrated in Open Source Physics (OSP) programs, such as the Tracker video analysis and modeling program. It can also be used as a standalone program and this web page demonstrates that capability. The following data files were created using the First Plot App demonstration program in the core OSP library. Download these data files and open or import them into Data Tool using the File options in the main menu to explore the Data Tool's analysis and display functions.

  1. FirstPlotData.txt
  2. FirstPlotData.xml

The Data Tool Java program was written by Doug Brown at Cabrillo College using portions of the the Open Source Physics code library developed by Wolfgang Christian at Davidson College. Data Tool a was converted from Java to JavaScript by Doug Brown, Wolfgang Christian and Robert Hanson using the SwingJS system developed by Hanson and his students at St. Olaf College.