Translator Tool Help

Note: more complete help, including screenshots, is available when online.

The Translator Tool enables a user to translate and/or customize parameter names, button labels and other string properties of OSP applications for use in multiple languages. The tool displays the string properties along with their current translations in a table.

To display the TranslatorTool from an OSP application, choose the Display|Language|Translate menu item.

To edit a translation, click a cell and enter the desired string. After editing, the OSP application will immediately display the new translation.

Custom translations for a given language (english in this example) may be saved in a file that will be automatically loaded whenever the application is used in that language. To save the translations, click the Save button.

The saved file name and location are determined by the name of the application class and language. For example, english translations for the demo.FirstPlotApp class would be stored in a file named "" in the demo directory.

To edit translations in another language, select the desired language from the drop-down list or enter a 2-letter language code directly in the drop-down field at the top of the tool (e.g., enter "fr" to create a french translation file).

Each language defines its own set of translations. When the OSP application is displayed in a given language, the corresponding translations are automatically used.